Christine Flannagan

Clifton, NJ

"Discernment: I have always been open to the will and call of the Lord. From a young age, I knew our Lord wanted me to serve Him and His people in some way. My call to married life and motherhood has been blessed. I have a loving husband and seven beautiful children. We have raised them in the faith and each one serves the church in thier own unique way. We belong to a vibrant church community and I have taught CCD for several years. As a full-time special education teacher in the public schools, it is a joy to be able to spead the Good News on Sundays in the CCD setting. However, the urge to serve the church as a Deacon burns inside of me. I know the Lord has been preparing me for this next step. He has planted the seed in my servant's heart and it is watered with prayer and faith."
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