Dawn Dixon

St. Louis, MO

Discernment 3: My story of faith began as a child where I believe I was called by God to serve him. At that time I didn't know what that meant. It wasn't until I was in my 20's and experienced a true conversion of heart that the calling became clear. No longer was I living for myself but for Him. Shortly after that my faith was tested. I was working as a journalist and asked to do a story on humane vitae. For that story I was to interview Scott Hahn who was a newly converted Catholic working for the church. At that time I was struggling with staying in the Catholic Church. During my interview with him I shared with him about my struggle. He explained that as a new Catholic he had produced audio tapes in defense of the church. He asked that I pray and listen to those tapes. It forced my to really examine my faith. It was his tapes on the Eucharist that gave me the conviction to remain in the church. It was in the breaking of the bread that Christ and his Church became clear. After that I joined various Bible studies and worked on many retreats in the church. This journey changed my life. I also continued to work as a journalist on television. In that job I tried to be a testament to my faith and use the gifts of communication given to me by God to further His kingdom. I went on to be a mother and a wife adopting twin girls from China. I feel God has used all of these experiences to better serve Him. For this reason I feel called to be a Deacon in the church. I continue to pray for humility and guidance on this desire. Thy will not my will be done!
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