Darlene Davis


"I felt called to serve our Lord late in life, about 50. In 2001. Too old for most religious orders & being a nun was not my calling. I left my high tech job that paid well to get a theology degree. If I'd been a man studying for the diaconate (or married to one) my graduate education would have been paid for by the Archdiocese. I took out a $33k student loan to pay for it which will probably outlive me. I'm now in my mid-60's & have been working as a hospital chaplain more than 10 years now. I also preach weekly non-denominational worship services as part of my job. I left the Catholic Church last year (& joined the Episcopal Church) due to constant harassment by a priest chaplain who believed I had no business doing the job I was hired for. My new church has two wonderful female priests & I now feel welcomed & supported in my vocation."
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